This post is for the people who are new to sensual massage or for people who might need a little refresher on etiquette.
Read the entire website. I know it can sound like a lot, but honestly reading an entire website shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes at the most. Most of us have worked very hard on our websites and the information we provide is important information to ensure we all have a great time. Anything you need to know is answered on my website. The Q&A page has a lot of helpful information !
Fill in the screening form entirely and accurately. Many times a person will fill out my screening form and leave a section blank. Or they give me an invalid phone #. If you do this, or provide false information, I just delete it and move on. Boop!
Follow directions. Read the auto-reply. Read the website. (It must be important if I mentioned it twice !)
When you arrive, hand me your payment and use the bathroom to either shower or wash your hands and use mouthwash. If you read my website entirely, you’ll know that if you do not wash your hands I will not allow you to touch me. And if you do not use mouthwash, I'll avoid your mouth. A shower isn’t always necessary, however I decide whether or not you’re clean enough for certain activities. If you choose to not to take a shower, just know that I might choose to avoid any areas that I think are stinky.
Relax and enjoy my touch. I understand that some of you get a little nervous, especially if it’s your first time with me or your first time with a provider. But just try to relax, close your eyes let me give you an amazing massage and don’t worry about anything while you’re on my table! Go with the's your time to enjoy! Let things happen naturally. You’re in good hands 🙌